Recumbent Bike Benefits
Exercise Bike

Recumbent Bike Benefits

Recumbent bikes offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for both beginners and experienced exercisers looking for low-impact cardiovascular workouts. Here are the key benefits of u...

CardioCorrect Assault Bike Form

Correct Assault Bike Form

Correct form on an assault bike, also known as an air bike or fan bike, is essential for efficiency, safety, and maximising the effectiveness of your workout. Here are key points to ensure proper f...

Buying GuideIndoor Cycles vs Upright Bikes. What Exactly is the Difference.

Indoor Cycles vs Upright Bikes. What Exactly is the Difference.

When deciding between an upright bike and an indoor cycle, it's important to consider their key differences, benefits, and which type might be better suited to your fitness goals and preferences.  ...

CardioBenefits of Indoor Cycles

Benefits of Indoor Cycles

Indoor cycling, often referred to as spinning or using an exercise bike, offers several benefits for fitness enthusiasts. Here are the key advantages of incorporating indoor cycling into your fitne...

Exercise BikeAssault Bikes: Do's and Don'ts

Assault Bikes: Do's and Don'ts

Correct form on an assault bike, also known as an air bike or fan bike, is essential for efficiency, safety, and maximizing the effectiveness of your workout. Here are key points to ensure proper f...

Exercise BikeDoes Flywheel Weight Matter on Indoor Cycles?

Does Flywheel Weight Matter on Indoor Cycles?

Yes, the flywheel weight does matter on indoor cycles, and here's why: Importance of Flywheel Weight Smoothness and Consistency: The flywheel is a crucial component that determines the feel of th...