
5 Treadmill Workouts – Add some variety to your runs

5 Treadmill Workouts – Add some variety to your runs

Here are five different treadmill workouts to help you add variety to your routine and target different fitness goals:

  1. Beginner's Steady-State Workout

This workout is perfect for beginners looking to build endurance.

Duration: 30 minutes


  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes at a comfortable walking pace (3.0-3.5 mph)
  • Workout: 20 minutes of steady-state jogging or brisk walking (4.5-5.5 mph)
  • Cool Down: 5 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace (3.0-3.5 mph)


  • Keep your incline at 0% to start.
  • Gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable.



  1. Interval Training Workout

This workout incorporates high-intensity intervals to boost cardiovascular fitness and burn calories.

Duration: 30 minutes


  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes at a comfortable walking pace (3.0-3.5 mph)
  • Intervals:
    • 1 minute sprint (7.0-9.0 mph)
    • 2 minutes walking recovery (3.0-3.5 mph)
  • Repeat the intervals 8 times.
  • Cool Down: 5 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace (3.0-3.5 mph)


  • Adjust sprint speed based on your fitness level.
  • Use a slight incline (1-2%) for added intensity.

  1. Hill Workout

This workout uses incline variations to simulate hill running and strengthen your legs.

Duration: 30 minutes


  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes at a comfortable walking pace (3.0-3.5 mph) with a 0% incline
  • Hill Intervals:
    • 2 minutes jogging (5.0-6.0 mph) at 4% incline
    • 2 minutes walking (3.0-3.5 mph) at 1% incline
    • Repeat the hill intervals 6 times.
  • Cool Down: 5 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace (3.0-3.5 mph) with a 0% incline


  • Adjust the incline based on your fitness level.
  • Focus on maintaining good form, especially when running uphill.


  1. Fartlek Workout

Fartlek, or "speed play," involves varying your speed throughout the workout to keep it interesting and challenging.

Duration: 30 minutes


  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes at a comfortable walking pace (3.0-3.5 mph)
  • Fartlek Intervals:
    • 3 minutes jogging (5.0-6.0 mph)
    • 1 minute sprint (7.0-8.0 mph)
    • 2 minutes walking recovery (3.0-3.5 mph)
  • Repeat the Fartlek intervals 5 times.
  • Cool Down: 5 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace (3.0-3.5 mph)


  • Mix up the speeds and durations of your intervals to keep your body guessing.
  • Adjust speeds based on your fitness level.


  1. Pyramid Workout

This workout gradually increases and then decreases in intensity, providing a great cardiovascular challenge.

Duration: 40 minutes


  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes at a comfortable walking pace (3.0-3.5 mph)
  • Pyramid Intervals:
    • 1 minute jogging (5.0 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (5.5 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (6.0 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (6.5 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (7.0 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (6.5 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (6.0 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (5.5 mph)
    • 1 minute jogging (5.0 mph)
    • Repeat the pyramid sequence twice.
  • Cool Down: 5 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace (3.0-3.5 mph)


  • Adjust the jogging speeds to fit your fitness level.
  • Ensure each transition between speeds is smooth to prevent injury.

These treadmill workouts offer a variety of ways to challenge your cardiovascular system, build endurance, and keep your routine interesting. Adjust the speeds, inclines, and durations based on your fitness level and goals.


If you are looking to purchase you own home treadmill or upgrade your current one, check out JLL Fitness' range of quality Home Treadmills here!

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